home > najawa > DARK FEST 11, 22/12/2023, Rusinski kulturni centar Matka, Novi Sad

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DARK FEST 11, 22/12/2023, Rusinski kulturni centar Matka, Novi Sad

22. decembar 2023 | Novi Sad, Rusinski Kulturni Centar MATKA || DARK FEST 11

Jedanaesto poglavlje najstarijeg andergraund dark festivala u Srbiji ponovo će se održati u Novom Sadu, u velikoj sali RKC Matka.

Vrata festivala se otvaraju u 19h
Cena ulaznice je 600 din i kupuje se na ulazu u klub.
[  ]

► Satnica //
19:00 - door //
19:30 - 20:00 - MRT
20:15 - 20:45 - Worm Man
21:00 - 21:45 - Izleti
22:00 - 22:45 - Ludwig Ludwig
23:00 - 23:45 - dreDDup
00:00 - 01:00 - Popsimonova

Za više informacija o bendovima i događaju pogledajte: www.facebook.com/events/309613784919667

ili ranije objavljenu najavu na terapiji: www.terapija.net/najawa.asp?ID=32737

sve najbolje,
Crime:Scene Records


"If something is actual, there's really no need to believe in it. You only have to believe something if it isn't true, because if it were, belief wouldn't be necessary."

mr x. // 19/12/2023


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