MIROCAW s novim albumom "The Horla" na The Church Of Noisy Goat
Finski Mirocaw s novim albumom "The Horla" na @noisygoatchurch. Industrijska glazba stare škole bogata instrumentima s vokalima, sintisajzerima, uzorcima i udaraljkama. Download/ stream: thechurchofnoisygoat.bandcamp.com/album/the-horla
Anton Bryukov - synths, noises and samples.
Ivan Levashov - vocals.
Anna Utopian - vocals on track 6
Martynas Laurids - synth, percussion, samples
Text: 1- Algernon Blackwood; 2- Guy de Maupassant; 6 - Pablo Neruda
Cover art - Viljo Gustafsson