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"The First Gathering", ogromna kompilacija Mountain Forest Cabin Dweller

Dobrodošli na 'Prvo okupljanje', suradnju sa 60 projekata.

Bilo jednom... počni od početka i ostani neko vrijeme. Slike unutar proširuju priču.

Zauzmite svoja mjesta za 5 sati 55 minuta 55 sekundi ambijentalnog, tamnog ambijentalnog, dungeon synth, drone, minimalističkog, akustičnog, meditativnog i kontemplativnog zvuka na prvom izdanju Mountain Forest Cabin Dwellera.

S nekoliko prijava, ovo postaje malo mračnije, eksperimentalnije, čudnije i napetije nego što se očekivalo ili izvorno ciljano (a nekoliko pokušaja je bilo previše bučno); ali kvaliteta je visoka, svi zajedno rade na tkanju i navijanju veće, dinamičnije priče - epskog putovanja. Streaming/ free download: mountainforestcabindweller.bandcamp.com/album/the-first-gathering
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Izdavač kaže: 'Hvala svima koji su sudjelovali i vama što ste ovdje čitajući i slušajući. Nadam se da ćete otkriti puno novih omiljenih projekata u koje možete dublje zaroniti. Veze na sve umjetnike u odjeljku 'Informacije'. Idi slijedi one koje ti se sviđaju. Kompilacija je prisutna i na youtube'.

1.Welcome 01:40
2.Calignosia - Mirador Hacia La Inmensidad 06:55
3.Alces Noctis - The Sun Is Rising 09:05
4.European Drought (ft. Mournhearth) - At the Coast of Stroma 05:30
5.Imrryr - Memory 07:55
6.Dagure - Blow 04:10
7.Forgotten Sanctum - Nostalgia Fever 04:10
8.David Dellacroce - The Two Sometimes 03:35
9.fear of horses - What Did The Stars Say 06:00
10.Hoz Seca - When lamps fade in Annon-in-Gelydh 05:20
11.Obdurodon - Torpor 06:15
12.Humanfobia - La Cripta de la Hechicera 02:35
13.Necromaster - Dark Ritual 04:35
14.apwnm - The Offering pt 3 08:25
15.Anam Gu Anam - Invitation To Calm Down 08:50
16.fragile as glass - a home beyond the frost 09:45
17.Spite Cathedral - Into The Bright (I Found Her In The Snow II) 03:30
18.Parasol - Ghost in the window 08:25
19.Angel - The Alchemist 08:30
20.The Angel Of The Enemy - Glacies Regina 07:00
21.VEILED - Rumination 1 07:35
22.Archive Dystopia - Castle Winter 04:00
23.Plutonian Winter - Third Crossing 04:55
24.Bellum Romanum - Parhelion 05:35
25.Sorrows of the Cell - The Distance of Frozen Stars 06:55
26.Tristan Burfield - Gathering Herbs 03:40
27.Tödlich - Endless Night 03:35
28.Quatrefoil - Sea Ice 08:20
29.Lavatone - Psychopomps Travel This Path 09:45
30.The Owl - The night forest trails lead me home 07:55
31.dead garage - a cold dawn 04:45
32.Tungsinn - Crystalline Shards Woven Into Thin Air 05:55
33.Cats of Ulthar - Secret Burial 04:15
34.Eraserdrone - Northwest Wind 02:35
35.Happomeri - Jäälyhty 06:35
36.Yhorm - Erytheion 03:15
37.Kirril - Decay 04:30
38.Substak - Haze 01:30
39.Sunrise 2x4 - The Monkeys Never Returned 07:25
40.Unterheim - Orbital Resonance 07:40
41.WHΛLTHISИEY - Pranto 04:15
42.Drab Delusion - Sacred Borders Of Serenity 08:05
43.flyoversx + driftman - harmless (pt. 3) 09:40
44.Warren Schoenbright - Zeno In Limbo 01:55
45.Charlie Butler - Healing Word 09:35
46.James Nathan Powell - I'm Sorry Cassette 10:00
47.Thomas Park - Lonely House On A Windy Hill 06:25
48.NEGLECT - Echoes Of The Frost 03:00
49.UgUrgKuliktavikt - Kadath in the Cold Waste 10:00
50.Graneg Sandpapier - Graben 10:00
51.fencepost - etude_I_contrary_V 04:55
52.Dis Och Dimma - Helios 05:00
53.By the Pillars of Winter - Das Tuch der Toten 08:40
54.Schwarzer Tag - Storm´s Raving Rune 04:05
55.Saishō 最小 - rail1 07:30
56.Vuoto Vacuum Void - Snowfall 04:10
57.Dismal Itch - Frail Asphodeyl's Personal Labyrinth 02:15
58.Spukkopf - On the Blasted Mountain, Is Where I Met My End 09:55
59.ROYALTY - Slow tired steps at the journey's end 01:50
60.Close the curtains 01:50

v&p // 28/03/2025


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"The First Gathering", ogromna kompilacija Mountain Forest Cabin Dweller

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