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Netom prije objave novog dugoočekivanog albuma "Send Away the Tigers" ova trojka iz Walesa daje svima zainteresiranima besplatno na "download" s njihovog oficijelnog sajta najnoviju pjesmu Underdogs. Morate se samo ulogirati, a to i nije tako strašno kad je u pitanju nova pjesma od omiljenog benda.

Također na našem omiljenom "jubitou" (što bi rekli naši dužnosnici) možete pogledati i kak zvuči novi singl Your Love Alone is Not Enough i bome kak izgleda Nina Persson (CARDIGANS, A CAMP) koja im se pridružila u pjesmi.

Temeljem ove dvije, s veseljem očekujem ostatak.
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Your love alone - is not enough not enough not enough
When times get tough they get tough they get tough they get tough

Trade all your heroes in for ghosts in for ghosts in for ghosts
They're always the one's who love you most love you most love you most

Your love alone - is not enough not enough not enough
It's what you felt it's what you said what you said what you said

You said the sky would fall on you fall on you fall on you
Through all the pain your eyes stayed Blue they stayed Blue Baby Blue

But your love alone won't save the world
You knew the secret of the universe
Despite it all you made it worse
It left you lonely it left you cursed

You stole the sun straight from my heart from my heart from heart
With no excuses just fell apart fell apart fell apart

No you won't make a mess of me mess of me mess of me
For you're as blind as a man can be man can be man can be

I could have seen for miles and miles
I could have made you feel alive
I could have placed us in exile
I could have shown you how too cry

Your love alone is not enough
Your love alone is not enough

pedja // 27/03/2007


> njuz [last wanz]


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