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MORRISSEY: Live at Earl's Court (Attack/Sanctuary, 2005)

Nakon višenegodobrog prošlogodišnjeg "You Are The Quarry" i uspješne suradnje s Nancy Sinatra u Let me Kiss You, logičan nastavak bio je snimanje i objavljivanje koncertnog albuma s turneje koja je pratila izdavanje studijskog albuma.

Zamor materijala od neprestanog snimanja i sviranja na vidjelo je došao objavljivanjem loših "Southpaw Grammar" i "Maladjusted". I dok su ga već svi otpisali, nakon što mu je karijera krenula strmoglavo silaznom putanjom, prebacio se na malu etiketu i pojavio se nakon punih sedam godina, singlom Irish Blood, English Heart i ostavio u čudu sve nevjernike.
Pjesme Irish Blood, English Heart, America is Not the World, I Have Forgiven Jesus ili First of the Gang to Die bile su dovoljne da Stevena Patricka Morrisseya vrate u orbitu.

Let Me Kiss You

There's a place in the sun, For anyone who has the will to chase one
And I think I've found mine, Yes, I do believe I have found mine, so

Close your eyes, And think of someone, You physically admire
And let me kiss you, Let me kiss you

I've zig-zagged all over America, And I cannot find a safety haven
Say, would you let me cry, On your shoulder
I've heard that you'll will try anything twice

Close your eyes, And think of someone, You physically admire,
And let me kiss you, Let me kiss you

But then you open your eyes, And you see someone, That you physically despise
But my heart is open
My heart is open to you

Na "Live at Earl's Court" kombinacijom starih THE SMITHS favorita (How Soon is Now, Bigmouth Strikes Again, Last Night I Dreamt that Somebody Loved Me), svojih ranijih solo uspješnica (November Spawned A Monster, The More You Ignore Me…), spomenutih novih pjesama, te nekoliko odličnih novih b-strana (Don't Make Fun of Daddy's Voice, Munich Air Disaster 1958) pokazao je da nije za staro željezo i da od njega treba još štošta očekivati. Među tim pjesmama našlo se i mjesta za odličnu obradu Redondo Beach Patti Smith.

ocjena albuma [1-10]: 8

pedja // 13/04/2005

PS: Naravno, uz preporučenu solo diskografiju, potrebno je provjeriti i cijeli THE SMITHS opus!!!

> mjuzik [last wanz]

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>> opširnije

> chek us aut!
> diskografija
cover: Live at Earl's Court
  • Viva Hate (1988)
  • Kill Uncle (1991)
  • Your Arsenal (1992)
  • Beethoven Was Deaf (live, 1993)
  • Vauxhall & I (1994)
  • Southpaw Grammar (1995)
  • World Of Morrissey (best, 1995)
  • Maladjusted (1997)
  • The Best of Morrissey (2001)
  • You Are the Quarry (2004)
  • Live at Earl's Court (2005)

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