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2015 by terapija - by Zoran Ćuća

Top 15 stranih albuma

1.LAMB OF GOD "VII: Sturm Und Drang"
2.FAITH NO MORE "Sol Invictus"
3.GHOST "Meliora"
4.CLUTCH "Psychic Warfare"
5.KENDRICK LAMAR "To Pimp A Butterfly"
6.GRIMES "Art Angels"
7.BLUR "The Magic Whip"
8.FOALS "What Went Down"
9.TAME IMPALA "Currents"
10.BARONESS "Purple"
11.MUSE "Drones"
12.EDITORS "In Dream"
13.MOTORHEAD "Bad Magic"
14.SLAYER "Repentless"
15.IRON MAIDEN "The Book of Souls"

Top 15 domaćih albuma

1.KAWASAKI 3P "Goli zbog pasa"
3.KANDŽIJA I GOLE ŽENE "Nema labavo"
4.CHUI "Third Sun from the Stone"
5.OTROVNA KRISTINA "Otrovna Kristina"
6.PARTIBREJKERS "Sirotinjsko carstvo"
7.VLASTA POPIĆ "Kvadrat"
8.DAMIR AVDIĆ "Manjina"
9.BEBE NA VOLE "Time of Great Depression"
10.LOVELY QUINCES "Meet Me In Moscow"
11.ŽEN "Jantar"
12.PLASTIC KNIVES "Both Sides Of The Atlantic"
13.### "Svjetlo"
14.DJEČACI "Firma"
15.SLEEPYHEADS "The swirling thoughts of..."

terapija // 30/12/2015


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