home > najawa > Sasquatch, Sloanwall @ Vintage Industiral Bar, Zagreb, 24/10/2018

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Sasquatch, Sloanwall @ Vintage Industiral Bar, Zagreb, 24/10/2018

SRIJEDA 24.10.2018.I Regular John presents: SASQUATCH @VIB I Vrata 20:00 h I Koncert 21:30 h I Karte: 45/60kn I Prodaja: VIB & Dirty Old Shop
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Ravno iz srca Kalifornije, iz Los Angelesa, stiže nam psihodelična fuzzy neman SASQUATCH, koji fokus drže na psihodeličnim rock elementima 70-ih godina. Prije njih koncertom će večer otvoriti zagrebački grooveri Sloanwall.

Iza sebe imaju pet albuma, a posljednji iz 2017., imena 'Maneuvers', pokupio je odlične komentare kritike i publike.

Glazbu ovog benda najlakše je smjestiti kao savršeni soundtrack za neki film, seriju ili igricu koja ima atmosferu Steve McQueenovog Bullitta. Njihovu glazbu čuli ste sigurno u filmu 'Clerks', serijama 'Sinovi Anarhije', 'Supernatural', 'Viva La Bam', 'American Chopper'

'SOA' YT: https://goo.gl/XMBZpN

Odlučno su zaplivali glazbom već sa prva dva albuma (S/T 2004. & 'II' 2006.), ovaj moćni trio je rock-apgrejdao i članove, ali i albume koji su uslijedili: 'III' (2010.) & 'IV' (2013.)

Posljednji album, iz 2017. od ostalih razlikuje ime, nije broj već 'Maneuvers', ali i novi bubnjar s kojim su preduge jam varijante ogolili na kraću, dinamičniju i zarazniju formu, najkonkretniju do sad.

Mediji o 'Maneuvers':
WorshipMetal - June, 2017
Outstanding. (Rating 9/10)

The Obelisk - June, 2017
One of 2017's best, easily.

Maximum Volume Music - June, 2017
Los Angeles rockers pull out the stops for their first in four years (Rating 8/10)

Review by The Heavy Chronicles - July, 2017
A must have.

Echoes and Dust - July, 2017
It's about time we had a new major heavy rock band to contend with and Sasquatch may just tick all the boxes

The Ripple Effect - June, 2017
It's getting hot outside and the music is about to break the circuit boards with a wave of fiery groove

Doom Charts - August, 2017
The need for speed!

Void: Stoner Doom Worship - August, 2017
If the desert is your home, feel at home as the sun and the sand will make you fry perhaps you want a glass of water at this time, but perhaps to the sound of Sasquatch in a car crossing the desert you want to stop a bit and ascend that marijuana.

2004: Sasquatch
2006: II
2010: III
2013: IV[3]
2017: Maneuvers

Keith Gibbs - guitar, vox, spaghetti sauce;
Craig Riggs - drums, harmonies, coffee beans;
Jason Casanova - bass, paperwork

WEB: sasquatchrock.us
FB: facebook.com/sasquatchrocks

Sloanwall je peteročlani groove rock bend iz Zagreba koji postoji od 2014. godine, te je do sada izdao dva EP izdanja pod naslovima "Dawn of light" i "Vol. II".

Sloanwallova najveća kvaliteta definitivno su njihove live izvedbe, što je potvrđeno mnogobrojnim koncertima u regiji (predgrupa Nightstalkeru, koncerti s bendovima kao što su Game Zero, Lost Lucid, Elephant Stalker, Tuber, Rudhen, Glory Owl, Tethra te Dronehunter, Tides of Youth festival na Cresu. Organizatori su Stoneville programa u zagrebačkoj Medici i dr.)

Fran Sutlić (vocals)
Robert Polak (guitar)
Matija Sarić (guitar)
Bruno Aljinović (bass)
Juraj Sarić (drums)

FB: https://www.facebook.com/SloanwallBand/

promo guy // 22/10/2018


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