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THE BEES: free the bees (virgin, 2004)

"It's an odd place, The Isle of Wight, kept at bay from the modern world by the Solent. Sweets are still served by the quarter and the sea breeze spreads an aroma of chip fat; but there is also a palpable sense of mystery and romance to the place, bound up with the idea that its beaches, fields and mouldering townscapes represent the Last of England." (John Harris, The Observer, London Mai 04)

Ako je neki band retro onda su to The Bees ! Jedan od razloga tome je vjerojatno i to što su The Bees (aka Band of Bees) s juga engleske, točnije s Isle of Wight, a svi znamo što se tamo događalo ...
Oni su išli čak toliko daleko da su album snimili u legendarnim EMI-jevim Abbey Road Studios gdje su izvukli svu silu stare analogne opreme da bi dobili (a bome i jesu) sound bandova šezdesetih. Koliko su The Bees vezani za "countryside" i Isle of Wight pokazuje i to što su za vrijeme snimanja u Londonu svako večer lovili zadnji trajekt i vraćali se svojim kućama.. Ta "izoliranost" je donekle i kriva za fenomenalni mješanac rane psihodelije ("these are the ghosts"), motown soula, ranih "trojan records" reggae singlova, ranih Beatlesa (hit "chicken payback) i ranih Whoovaca. Odličan album novog banda koji Vas vodi čak i do 40 godina u prošlost.


ocjena albuma [1-10]: 7

le figuar de kranque // 28/09/2004


> mjuzik [last wanz]

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