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MUMMIES AND MADMEN: Mummies and Madmen Grow Dark In The Sun (A Winter Hill Recordings/Adventures in Reality release April 2024, Copyright Slob Tapes 1984, 2024)

Pojavom određenih zvučnih iznenađenja koja su kompilacijama muzike dale novo značenje, nešto poput ljepote poroka, počinju da se stvaraju novi albumi sa mnogo tagova, neodređenost koja počinje od No Wave i Fluksusa, konkretno u zvuku, spotovima, omotima grupa.
[  ]

Sonic Youth - Youth Against Fascism

'Another can of worms, another stomach turns
Yeah, your ghetto burns, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
You got a stupid man, you got a Ku Klux Klan
Your funky battleplan, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
A sieg heil-in' squirt, you're an impotent jerk
Yeah, a fascist twerp, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Black robe and swill, I believe Anita Hill
Judge will rot in hell, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Yeah, a cross on fire by a christian liar
A black attack at fire, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Yeah, the president sucks, he's a war pig fuck
His shit is out of luck, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
Another nazi attack, skinhead is cracked
My blood is black, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
We're banging pots and pans to make you understand
We gotta bury you, man, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
I'm a human wreck, a redneck in check
I killed the teacher's pet, it's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate
It's the song I hate, it's the song I hate

Pjesma govori dosta o konotaciji, trenutak u kojem se ne slažemo sa pojmom avangarde. Ujedinjenjem pojmova u Avangardi šteti se dosta tendenciji slobode. Ima nešto zajedničko za sve snimke koje su snimile grupe iz tog perioda, težeći ka nečemu što nije zvanično Beograd. Ne znam zašto se nametnulo to da mi nismo dio svijeta ako temelj našeg života ne počiva na Beogradu u svakom smislu.
Mummies and Madman, slobodno mogu pretpostaviti da su se htjeli zvati Otpust.

1.Red Front 19:54
2.Mummies and Madmen Grow Dark In The Sun 22:23

ocjena albuma [1-10]: 10

edo žuđelović // 28/04/2024


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