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> 2021 by marko šiljeg - In no particular order
2021 by marko šiljeg - In no particular order
Acausal Intrusion - Nulitas
Fossilization - He Whose Name Is Long Forgotten
Hatefilled - Violent Disembowelment Of Hatred
Voidsphere - To Overtake, To Overcome
Mainliner - Dual Myths
Infinity Land - Honest Candy
Melissa - Melissa
I Myrki - Bag Skyggernes Slør
Engine Kid - Special Olympics
Ipanazar - Repressed Memory Foam
Dug - Dug
Aeon - God Ends Here
Phrenelith - Chimaera
Apparition - Feel
Carnal Tomb - Festering Presence
Invultation - Unconquerable Death
Mortiferum - Preserved in Torment
Mùu / Deathvoid - Clairon Miroir
Mono - Pilgrimage of the Soul
Amenra - De Doorn
Mononegatives - Apparatus Division
marko šiljeg // 01/01/2022
> chek us aut!
terapija @ twitter
terapija @ youtube
terapija @ facebook
terapija @ myspace
> topliste [2021]
2021 by horvi - This won't last forever, goodbye cruel 2021 year...
2021 by pedja - izbor stranih albuma
2021 by marko šiljeg - In no particular order
2021 by pedja - xu pregled
> last [10] @ terapija.net
[njuz] Ritam promjena - Svijet u bojama
[najawa] She Loves Pablo @ Boogaloo, Zagreb, 26/04/2025
[najawa] Drab Majesty @ Močvara, Zagreb, 12/06/2025
[najawa] Kranks @ Spunk, Zagreb, 05/04/2025
[mjuzik] UDAV: Udav, vinilno reizdanje
[kolumna] RAZMIŠLJANJEM DO PJESME - Soundtrack misaonih radnji
[najawa] Sylvie Courvoisier & Mary Halvorson 1. travnja otvaraju 16. Zagreb Jazz Festival u Tvornici kulture!
[njuz] THE OWL - "In Times of Snow and Hibernation"
[mjuzik] BARBA VOJO: Barbarizmi
[koncert] OBOJENI PROGRAM @ Vintage Industrial Bar, Zagreb, 26/03/2025
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