Češki Morbid Beauty štanca albume ko' na serijskoj traci. Na @noisygoatchurch pojavio mu se treći ovogodišnji rad "Satanic Meditations" s 9 komada Drone Noise/Noise Drone/Harsh Noise s meditativnom pristranošću.
Autor kaže 'živio Seitan. Svi zvukovi su proizvedeni korištenjem meditativne pjesme 'Agios o satanas' u posljednjoj pjesmi. Kompozicije su rađene od 30. rujna do 6. prosinca 2024. Download/ stream:
1. ...and remember to breathe deep, for then you will really understand 01:05
2.Electrical pulses and deep breaths to put you in position 04:33
3.Undiscovered pathways and portals 06:00
4.The bridge between our material and spiritual experience 01:08
5.Overwhelming clarity in the face of loss 09:55
6.The bridge between two otherworlds 01:11
7.Ritual combining the minds and forces of 108 great mystics 17:40
8.Never forget (a prelude to the final reckoning) 01:50
9.Ave Satanas 25:00
The Church Of Noisy Goat, 2025.
promo guy // 06/03/2025