"Who is the Dreamer?" je zvučna odiseja bez presedana, opsežna posveta jezivom, zagonetnom svijetu Davida Lyncha. S nevjerojatne 382 pjesme koje su izradili umjetnici iz cijelog svijeta, ova kompilacija zaranja u najdublje dubine zvuka — noise, industrial, ambijentalna glazba, dark ambient, slobodna improvizacija i alternativna glazba isprepliću se poput treperenja iz napola zapamćenog sna. Neodoljive teksture rastapaju se u nadrealnim melodijama, mehaničko zujanje šapuće tajne iz praznine, a odjeci nepoznatog svjetlucaju kroz sjenovite hodnike zvuka. Ovo nije samo album; to je labirint percepcije, hipnotički silazak u podsvijest. Uđite unutra — ako se usudite — i zapitajte se: Tko je sanjar?
Download/ stream:
1.IO - Life is a bizarre dream 07:08
2.The Bode's Creamed Corn Manifesto - Sometimes things can happen just like this 05:35
3.Kathodos - A Memory Dwindles 10:33
4.EL ZOMBIE ESPACIAL - Nada realmente muere 09:12
5.RDKPL - NoisEraserHead (241230_07) 05:25
6.Tongues of the Aether - Tian-Keng III 08:18
8.Wilfried Hanrath - Twin Peaks (hommage a David Lynch) 07:39
9.Wilfried Hanrath - Reimagining ´The Lynch Mob´ (James Seaborn) (Wil´s Psychedelic Mix) 08:29
10.Hanrath, Leak, Seaborn - Trio For David Lynch 05:51
11.Wilfried Hanrath + fourthousandblackbirds - The Cherry Pies Are Not What They Seem 07:53
12.4RS (for Ryuichi Sakamoto) 03:40
13.Tristan Burfield - Muholland_Drive_(Muholland_Drive_Love_Theme) 02:11
14.Natures Revenge - Conspiracy 06:30
15.steven leak - david lynch tribute piece 04:51
16.Fog Baptism - Meanwhile 05:12
17.Miranda Arens - Carretera Linch 03:25
18.Joe McMahon - Approaching Thunder 05:08
19.el_masmore - WILD AT HEART 11:08
20.VITRAGE - Water Takes Everything 03:27
21.{AN} EeL - The Lady in the Radiator Song 02:19
22.Parker Weston - E.D. 2012 lithograph on japanese paper 63 x 89 cm 11:59
23.Vincent Berger Rond - Read What? 16:51
24.existent/nonexistent - Negativity is the enemy of creativity 05:12
25.The Pigeon_by Noxious Conundrum_aka_Jeff_Orgill 01:50
26.Philip Mantione - Fatal_Error_1402 09:59
27.Olik Nesnah and Skye Carrasco - In Heaven Everything is Fine 10:20
28.Escaped Trees & Eida - Digital night 03:40
29.harold z- requiem of a artist (for david Lynch) 14:04
30.El Rata - 5 time 03:35
31.El Rata - Welcome 05:05
32.El Rata - o arouraíos 06:35
33.The Orchestra Of Mirrored Reflections - Surfin' Kali Yuga - 03 Walking Black Hole 06:39
34.chromotrope - Mr Mibbler 04:44
35.HANDALIEN - Shadows Over Arrakis 10:01
36.5217 - ambient I 11:09
37.5217 - Kuusumu 09:36
38.Niko Thomasson - Dreaming 03:52
40.A Thousand Reasons - The owl are not what they seem 05:09
41.Matt Choboter - Hypnagogia - Tarkovskian Portals 04:53
42.Matt Choboter - Hypnagogia - Primordial Hinterland 06:03
43.Matt Choboter - Postcards or Nostalgia - Font-de-gaumes 05:07
44.Matt Choboter - Postcards or Nostalgia - The Circular Ruins 03:24
45.Matt Choboter - Hypnopompia - pagan rainmaker 04:30
46.Matt Choboter - Unburying, From Liminals, Emerging - Sumerian Rock Tapestry 05:48
47.Matt Choboter - Unburying, From Liminals, Emerging - Wayang Kulit 07:46
48.Mean Flow - Blue Velvet 04:24
49.Olion - Man With Elevated Hair 12:17
50.INEXISTENCE - I'm Deranged (Remix) 04:17
51.Mushroom Giant - 05 The Saddest Song (Remastered) 04:39
52.Gero from Vienna - Saturn Industrial Harbour Front 09:23
53.Skidtmads - Small Manmade Chickens 04:26
54.Piotr Hummel - Dreamy 01:56
55.Cliff Douse (Drin) - Heat Haze 01:40
56.Deepgrave min og dog - Fractal Wishlist 13:20
57.Emmanuele Gattuso - Plaything - Bist Du Auch In Meinem Traum 00:48
58.TAJDO - Echoes of Dawn 05:59
59.the super-bright gloom - abandoned set of futures 09:25
60.MUNKIB - Prey (Remastered 2022) 02:36
61.Luke Jordan - Artificial Birds In Cruel Utopia 10:45
62.Ice Station - Electricity Is Humming 07:13
63.Mascot Moth - The Inimitable David Lynch 06:59
64.Strap The Button - Stay Still, I'll Get The Camera 08:00
65.Returnr³ - Let me be urbird after noon 12:39
66.Delirium Tremors - The Eternal Walk 05:16
67.IRÎS - An Ocean Of Pure Consciousness (feat. David Lynch) 06:16
69.blks - untitled 07:03
70.Crow Ritual - A Study of Thorns 08:18
71.SRVTR - trees at night with soft wind 04:48
72.SRVTR - today 09:12
73.SRVTR - napalm I 10:40
74.Dreams of Delvaux - Ghosts of Me and Ghosts of You 03:33
75.Mike Edwards - I Sent You a Letter: R 05:14
76.Jo Bled - shy 03:38
77.Pedro Chambel - We walk with you 11:42
78.Micke Larsson - A Kind of Addiction 08:27
79.THE LAST HOUR - Through the Looking Glass 02:43
80.Lost Cat Magnet - Videos 04:03
81.Dr Jacoby Space Vitamines - The owls are not what they seem 01:31
82.Richard Charvat - RIP 08:34
83.Bernard Grancher - Black lodge is completed 06:08
84.Bernard Grancher - Dick Laurent is dead 10:38
86.My Own Cubic Stone - A Gift 06:13
87.Butterfly Smack - Points Of Friction 04:11
88.Dionisaf - Fire Walk With Me 02:14
89.A Vagliona - DEVS 08:19
90.Millennial Villain - Whirlwind Flash and Heat 05:00
91.SoundOkapi - Broken - requiem 06:17
92.John Luttrell - The Sphere 04:53
93.John Luttrell - Dreamcast 03:20
94.John Luttrell - The Dream Exchange 04:28
95.Alkistis Voulgari - Troy has Fallen 01:00
96.Valgidrà - David Lynch Loved Coffee 01:46
97.Drifting In Silence - Shape of Infinity 05:24
98.Antonio Murga - Broken Heads in the Promised Land 03:19
99.Atmosphere 7 - Vega Sailing the Milky Way (Ambient Mix) 04:43
100.Truus de Groot - Match made in a Dive 02:05
101.Vyacheslav Ismagilov - last asian way 07:06
102.Letargy - Неизбежность бытия 15:58
103.Letargy Terror - Before The Dawn 09:11
104.A.G. - Letters from Below 12:14
105.Artem Dzura - Black Lake 03:32
106.Arttruist - Last Solo 05:03
107.endingmirage - Bitcloth Tears 07:04
108.Ens Dormir - Transcendental Meditation 05:20
109.eranymph - Nikki Tears 04:20
110.MBMK - Game 02:59
111.molegg - curiosity of Lynch 04:00
112.Subtle Noise - Dormant 04:03
113.Vanya Limb - I Have a Radio 04:04
114.yn - costruzione scricchiolante 14:35
115.Alex Featherstone - Dreamtime 03:57
116.Alex Featherstone - Sound Of Eventuality 03:46
117.MIRE - Longing 12:01
118.LABAU - For David Lynch tribute 06:40
119.Bending Reeds - cycles of expulsion 03:08
120.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Just Making Sounds 01:53
121.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Have And The Have Nots 02:50
122.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - You Know 02:54
123.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Open Space 03:01
124.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - File Under Dead 02:07
125.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - No Means No 02:42
126.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Petrol Situation 2024 02:35
127.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Why Can't You Be Pissed Off Like Me? 02:36
128.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Stealth Tax 02:44
129.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Breathe 02:21
130.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Late At Night 02:23
131.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos -Tired Of The Look In Your Eyes 02:40
132.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Are You OK? 02:37
133.Litterbug - Surfing The Chaos - Too Alternative For Punk 02:46
134.Zazie Productions - Small Transitory Life 02:00
135.Samuel A.D. Martín - Presbytère 07:55
136.MSoL - Tesseracted_GBmix 05:19
137.I.S.O. - GREEN 07:37
138.AbstractJak - People think that pipes grow in their homes 17:54
139.Morales Ossio - Si oscura la vista, for string quintet. Ensemble Pu Joa (Paraguay) 13:16
140.Barry Alan Lee - Calling Robert Burns 04:56
141.Robert Vincs - Facedown on Mulholland 02:35
142.Dj Bliss - Distant_Contact 02:54
143.NoSF - Celsius 42:28
144.NoSF - Mai Soixantehuique 03:37
145.NoSF - interludique 03:46
146.Whale of Noise - The Destruction of Walls by Paint 04:20
147.Veritable Lightning - The Black Sheep 05:40
148.d r 0 n 3 - Green Lights 05:59
149.dreamSTATE - A Muster of Strange Birds 05:15
150.Dad Hat 2021 - DKL 08:19
151.Boutonnière - Who is the Dreamer 01:50
152.Lost Kadath - Within Corridors 05:39
153.diEgita - Boston 02:19
154.Blue Velvet Alliance - David Lynch 05:18
155.Marian Baciu - Gutted house 01:24
156.vacant possession - climbing imaginary mountains 04:33
157.HELL IS CARBON - the owls are not what they seem (part two) 07:53
158.HELL IS CARBON - Lost Highway - The Mystery Man 05:40
159.HELL IS CARBON - Laura Palmer's ascension 02:21
160.HELL IS CARBON - is it FUTURE or is it PAST? 08:22
161.Jozeph - Dreaming 03:24
162.Pete Swinton - Red Velvet ( for David Lynch) 02:56
163.Pascal Anders - Teardrops - Lover 02:38
164.DJ ANYWAY - Ne Irascaris 2 (Do Not Be Angry David Lynch Has Passed) 08:00
165.Post Kaput - Politopo - Schuman Mix 04:00
166.huncke - germs 03:45
167.Beware The Gong - The Elephant Man As A Distinguished Gentleman Sipping His Tea 04:47
168.Grosso Gadgetto - L'homme Éléphant 05:07
169.Robert Scott Thompson - Guided by Moonlight 05:44
170.Lezet - What's With The Scizzors 02:26
171.Bonecreak Ulysses - david walks through the alley 03:49
172.madame Hair - An audio letter for David Lynch 02:31
173.María Morfeo - silent 05:20
174.María Morfeo - fish 04:40
175.Thomas Park - The Cursed And Unapproachable Zone 08:06
176.Igor Amokian & Black Saturn - Future is now 03:00
177.Trashure64 - Beduin 01:20
178.M.NOMIZED - Consciousness And Creativity (feat. David Lynch) 08:43
179.scratch er - Madman and beggar too 03:41
180.The Phlod-Nar - Achromatic Dreams 05:40
181.Urban Dervish - Bristol 11. Merry Old England 05:07
182.M B U F - AIN'T ERASED YET 10:48
183.Daniel Ball - For Future Ears 05:16
184.Ghosts of Edom - Leviathan Descends Again 05:03
185.Norbert Tóth-Pabar - Snakes don't make friends 05:14
186.Norbert Tóth-Pabar - The Goat 05:20
187.MubisMusic - Transition 10:00
188.LEKTRENIQ - Black moon 06:14
189.Hinogar - Bob's death 11:02
190.*spandrel - Girl from the Accident 06:19
191.Philippe Neau - Art Life 02:56
192.HDRF - Judy's Dream 06:47
193.Nico Discenza - Beauty In Focus 02:23
194.Giovanni Alibrandi - De Profundis 05:05
195.drive - How do you share yours (the final fire) 02:22
196.Even The Ghost - End 09:35
197.HYBRYDS - To Eternity 07:54
198.Ghost On This Earth - Monochrome77 06:47
199.Pleasure Of Decay - A Violent Passion For Darkness 05:29
200.Pleasure Of Decay - Vendetta 06:59
201.Pleasure Of Decay - Miserable Death Of A Pathetic Scoundrel 08:18
202.Pork Suicidal - As Possibilidades Do Infinito 01:41
203.Pork Suicidal - Yenne Velt Playng The Game Of Light and Shadow 10:18
204.Pork Suicidal - Energetic Interference On The Electrodes 07:25
205.Pork Suicidal - End Of The Divine American Mission 07:31
206.Carbonates On Mars - The Man From Another Place 15:51
207.Wayne Mason - We Live Inside A Dream 03:19
208.Robert Bacic - Vacant Peaks 06:46
209.Robert Bacic - vjeverica 06:12
210.Fear Up Harsh - May the Giant Be with You 03:42
211.Audiosmogg - The Glare 01:46
212.Bugmen - Nightcreeper (Non-live at Club Silencio) 03:58
213.Daria Baiocchi - Theta 07:14
214.Miracle Tales - May Floods 08:35
215.dave phillips - whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right 09:54
216.Herbst - The Painter 10:57
217.Myrkrid - Witch Cast 04:44
218.Rafael Cheuquelaf - El hombre de otro lugar 04:37
219.Marc Perez - From The Roots Up 08:04
220.Dagure -TOANWTS 00:42
221.Russell's Teapot - Exploding Dreams 07:02
222.Michaël CARTIER - Theme for D.L 02:13
223.Swamp Donkey - You Have Been Lynched (Part 1) 04:52
224.Swamp Donkey - You Have Been Lynched (Part 2) 05:59
225.Swamp Donkey - You Have Been Lynched (Part 3) 08:10
227.Perplexions - Wood Dragon 06:29
228.Bomis Prendin - On High in Blue Tomorrows 05:20
229.Chrup - Star Wars 10:04
230.I'll Be Cairoli - Careering In Pleasureland 05:03
231.P.U.M.A. - the blue house 03:29
232.Shanks Pony - Rhino (walk dont walk edit) 06:22
233.Camellia Rose Tree - Tongue of Unconsciousness 06:44
234.Heimdallr - Mitt kjott mitt blod 04:07
235.Heimdallr - Flight ofseashells 07:00
236.insectarium - surreal elements within mundane environments 19:08
237.AGDISTIZ - Lunartica 10:15
238.Quino Piñero - Belarrian 21:48
239.Ex Spiritist - Grief Door 2620 07:31
240.The Darlings of Authority - LIVE@Hambolt Pt.1 - Schallbehörde 18:44
241.Imperial Needles - Velvet Highway 06:56
242.EELO - Lumberjack from Hell 01:12
243.Dan Potter - Slack Strings 04:18
244.Cohen Devin Asher/Alien - For David Lynch 03:04
246.apwnm - I carry a log 05:27
247.Mila Cloud - Cloudgazer 05:24
248.t0rphy - Vocal ++ Dream Logic (Blue Velvet) 01:24
249.Strattanpossum - You Can Live In One Place And Have Everything 06:36
250.Mental Anguish - Interplanetary Magnetic Field. 09:33
251.saxAxar - Sospiri 03:26
252.Zumaia - 5 miles south 03:44
253.die festung - blue box (NLC mix) 07:59
254.die festung - freeze 12:48
255.andy n - homage to lost highway 01:31
256.ocean in a bottle - understanding the straight story 18:41
257.Venus Vulture - Orange Red Purple 06:09
258.horrak - gletscher und kalb 03:24
259.Deborah Fialkiewicz - POISONSC 03:28
260.lackthrow- expecting too much of reality 08:02
261.Course Lente - Mon rêve c'était vous 06:12
262.Dead Lincoln - On High in Blue Tomorrows 02:05
263.rectal ambience -Hector Phaasma 03:02
264.3 Electro Knights - Arboretum 03:57
265.3 Electro Knights - Stalker 05:29
266.3 Electro Knights - 2nd Rain From The Sky 04:07
267.Stefano Bertoli - Silk Velvet 17:04
268.petrichor - one day the sadness will end 08:49
269.The Friendly Singing Frog - The Chicken is Bleeding (Loops for Lynch) 03:59
270.Hari Hardman - Be Bob A-Lula 03:44
271.Pure Fault - 430 02:53
272.rikardfvs - The fans are not what they seem either (happy remix) 05:20
273.Instagon - hatrick from Lynch movie 04:54
274.Power - The Mulholland Drive Syndrom 03:12
275.Vanessa Sinclair & Pete Murphy - Recognition of the Unconscious (For David Lynch) 04:00
276.Séraphitüs-Séraphîta - _I'm so depressed..._ 13:32
277.Seiei Jack - In Heaven 02:20
278.FABRIKER101 - David Lynch? No, I don't know him. 04:55
279.Mirocaw - Inland 14:31
280.Sigil of Time - Equilibrium 07:57
281.A quiet place to die - bob 06:33
282.Cosmo Negro - David L 03:54
283.+ - dont (look at my knee) (2016) 01:18
284.Paulo Chagas - I saw you tomorrow 07:40
285.OresteS - The Lost Velvet Farewells 03:14
286.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - L'homme de fer 06:19
287.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Inside the Bunker (128kbit_AAC) 04:46
288.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - White Nights 06:31
289.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Wax Cabinet 02:38
290.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Wood and String 04:24
291.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Beograd 04:11
292.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Friand Poulet 07:15
293.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Engführung 03:35
294.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Flunching 03:55
295.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - Foam 04:12
296.Chris Jarrett's FOUR FREE - The Simmer 05:56
297.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 1; I. 06:03
298.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 1; II. 04:15
299.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 1; III. 03:37
300.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 1; IV. 06:41
301.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 1; V. 03:06
302.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 1; VI. 06:06
303.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; I. 09:21
304.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; II. 02:37
305.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; III. 03:23
306.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; IV. 05:03
307.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; V. 02:24
308.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; VI. 03:40
309.Chris Jarrett - New Journeys in Saarwellingen. Part 2; VII. (After Sibelius Symphony No. 2) 07:26
310.Chris Jarrett - Onward II, for Piano 05:06
311.Chris Jarrett - Sechs Hölderlin Lieder, for Baritone and Piano; No. 1, Die Eichbäume 05:11
312.Chris Jarrett - Sechs Hölderlin Lieder, for Baritone and Piano; No. 2, Hälfte des Lebens 02:04
313.Chris Jarrett - Sechs Hölderlin Lieder, for Baritone and Piano; No. 3, Das Erinnern 03:46
314.Chris Jarrett - Sechs Hölderlin Lieder, for Baritone and Piano; No. 4, Hymne an die Freiheit 06:55
315.Chris Jarrett - Sechs Hölderlin Lieder, for Baritone and Piano; No. 5, Der Nächtliche Wanderer 02:54
316.Chris Jarrett - Sechs Hölderlin Lieder, for Baritone and Piano; No. 6, Lebenslauf 02:54
317.Chris Jarrett - The Blue Book, for Piano 05:54
318.Chris Jarrett - English Songs, for Baritone and Piano; No. 1, Absalom and Achitophel 05:28
319.Chris Jarrett - English Songs, for Baritone and Piano; No. 2, The Catharsis 02:47
320.Chris Jarrett - English Songs, for Baritone and Piano; No. 3, Dulce et Decorum est 09:07
321.Chris Jarrett - English Songs, for Baritone and Piano; No. 4, I Think that we were Children 05:05
322.EIII - 0.9502 Seconds 04:00
323.Trees - Strawberries 04:36
324.BITC - Red Dust v3 02:32
325.Filipo Laresca - Johnnie Farragut 02:33
326.Clouds - Hollow 05:24
327.Clouds - Tetrahedron 04:59
328.PERSEFONE - Elephant Dream 02:07
329.Música das Cinzas - The Dreamer Scape 05:44
330.The Locals Trio - Promenade Astronimique 06:31
331.HY Kwan 關栩溢 - In Heaven (everything is fine) 01:09
332.The Black Diamond Train - blurring the lines 06:15
333.Letargy - Неизбежность бытия 15:58
334.Letargy Terror - Before The Dawn 09:11
335.George Christian - In Heaven Variations 1 05:41
336.George Christian - In Heaven Variations 2 08:22
337.The Charting Sleepers - Bonfires, Distant Factories, The Dark Void Above 05:34
338.Nostalgia Deathstar - The Brutal Art of Creative Violence 03:54
339.Alesssandro Sgarito - HOLLYWOOD 06:32
340.Marttio - Curtain Call 04:36
341.Rojinski - An Elephant in Red Velvet 06:38
342.feline astronauts - laura palmer theme (angelo badalamenti cover) 04:14
343.The Decaf Conspiracy - Blue Empire Twin Erasure 06:00
344.Elliot Hernández - RITUAL 05:25
345.John Harvey - Where We're from, the Birds Sing a Pretty Song. And There's Always Music in the Air (for David Lynch) 06:17
346.Tzii - Catching Fishes 08:18
347.Ether Sketcher (Gianluigi Gallo) - Somewhere in January 20:31
348.Stephen Lee - 'Choral Nocturne IV' 04:00
349.Pauline M & Stephen Lee - Sinkhole 05:48
350.Stephen Lee - East Coast Nocturne #1 10:32
351.Raymonde Howard vs .cut - When Your Heart Is Weak (Rita/Camilla version by .cut) 05:30
353.Depression Embrace - Сенке Праскозорја 21:39
354.Jelena Perišić - The Death of Don Quixote 04:54
355.Throne for a Shaman - Ferne Horizonte 03:44
356.die::rot::form - It Is Getting So Dark 06:47
357.SONICrider - Jazzular Element 1 - Thoughts about David Lynch 38:02
358.Serge Bulat - An Osprey in Boots, Dreamt by Piano 06:42
359.SUCCULENT SUCCUBUS - Slice of huckleberry pie, heated. Vanilla ice cream on the side. Coffee. 02:48
360.Mike Benoit - As The World Stops Turning 04:59
361.Un Homme Et Son PC - Who is the dreamer? 03:56
362.Will A - Observance 01:58
363.Will A - The Final Act 03:12
364.Will A - Missoula Within 01:11
365.Will A - Let's Go Back There 01:06
366.Niacinamide - Priorities of the Sentimental 03:53
368.Doriphoroi - Chora/Kronos 06:12
369.Diego D'Ambrosio - Red Curtains, Gate of the Dreamer 19:19
370.Francisco Sanfuentes - A DREAM IN THE MIST 07:18
371.tannis - I wanted the lead so bad 06:27
372.Magister Ludi - Sailor Ripley's Encounter with the Good Witch 05:04
373.The Disease - Introspection 04:16
374.Sz.Berlin - De Natura Lynchorum (Łodz Mix) 05:02
375.CASH MATTOCK - SAW 04:52
376.Airworld - I Wanted to Be a Painter 07:06
377.DJ Bathtub - What a Heavy Load Einstein Must Have Had 11:41
378.Futile Escapist Front - Blue in a Dimension of Questions 10:38
379.Finbarr Dillon - Abigail's Sniper 05:58
380.Domenico De Simone - CHANCE 07:10
382.Maryana Lysenko - Davidophrenia 03:48
terapija // 03/03/2025