The Macedonian band Luboyna will be coming to Močvara
next week as part of the promotion of their new album. Although this band is over 15 years old, this is their first performance in Croatia. On that occasion, we bring you an interview with them!
You are coming to Croatia for the first time, I believe this has been affected by the fact that your new publisher is the record label Geenger Records from Zagreb, what are the expectations of the first performance in Zagreb?
That's right. We'd like people to meet the new popular Macedonian music from Luboyna and above all we expect audience to dance and enjoy with us.
How would you describe yourself to the Croatian public in one sentence?
Popular bend with authentic music with an energy of a rock band.
You are most often described as a world music band, do you agree with that?
Well in a way every music is a world music and comes from somewhere... For us this is a popular music which comes from the heart of the Balkan and by using different musical aesthetics opens it to the world.
Do you follow or do you know anything about the work of other world music bands from the Balkans? Who would you describe as your favorite or maybe as a friend?
I follow different music expressions so I gladly listen to Božo Vrećo, Damir Imamović, Dubioza Kolektiv, Foltin, Bernays Propaganda, Vasil Hadjimanov Bend, Empirotechnes, Erkan Ogur... Some of them inspire us, some of them are our friends whom we enjoy drink rakija with. :)
Can you explain the use of different transcriptions: Luboyna and Ljubojna? Is this just because of the easier pronunciation for anglophone listeners?
Exactly that, it's much more easier to pronounce Luboyna if you are forein listener :) Altho Ljubojna sounds more poetic, more like female name and means love and struggle (ljubov-boj).
Since a Balkan melodic sound is the carrier of your music and the main reason why you are included in the world music, i.e. the ethno music scene, what would you say where the limit of good taste, or perhaps even art, is in exploiting this melody in today's music in the Balkans?
It's the same reason why I'm not using the term ethno and also when I say Balkan I mean the soul and groove from the Balkan. We live the music. We do not preserve it or "rape" it which is why it always has the honest and right feeling inside. I think this has a lot to do with keeping or losing the good taste when doing art.
I've read that your performance is visually interesting, how much on that did affect the fact that you started from the theatrical music?
Maybe :) When I'm on the stage I feel I have to make visual what comes from and with the music, all that colours, rhythms, vibes and transform it in a very personal feeling. So we use every possible way to do that, presenting our concerts as a multimedia projects whit a minimalistic personality.
You are coming in Močvara for the promotion of your new album, Radio Luboyna, so tell me do you have a favorite track on it, one that has a special meaning to you?
I don't know if I have only one. Each song leads to a different destination from your heart to somewhere else. It's like a traveling thru the souls and history of many people, situations, love stories, places. It's like keeping together many music meridians in one hand. And I'm very curious if the audience has a favorite song from the album and what kind of feeling do they have.
kata.strofa // 23/06/2017