english > Jessica Weiss (FEAR OF MEN)

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Jessica Weiss (FEAR OF MEN)

Jessica Weiss and Daniel Falvey met in 2011. They founded FEAR OF MEN. Three years later, they have debut album, and they will come to Zagreb (12/10) and Rijeka (13/10)...

Your music is not very well known in Croatia, so please give us a brief history about how the band started?

I was making sound tracks for films I made as part of my degree at Goldsmiths in London, and Dan came along and liked what he heard. We started working together on a more pop focused project, and Mike was an old friend we brought in to complete the lineup.

Describe Your Music in 4 words?
Ethereal existential dream pop.

Why did you called yourself Fear of Men?
It sounded strong and striking, and we liked that it is complicated by having boys in the band. It also has a lot of meanings- what men fear could be the inevitability of death, which was a the, of many of my songs.

Your debut album was recently published. Is it a concept album and how did you decide to record it?
It happened very naturally and organically as an extension of exploring the themes we had been interested in for a long time - intimacy, loneliness, mortality anxiety, the written self...

The album has an interesting cover. What does the picture represents?
It was a sculpture that we made ourselves based on the bodies caught in the ash from Pompeii. It represents the ideas of loss and loneliness, frozen in time and displayed in a glass vitrine that inspired the record.

Song/album that changed your life?
Patti Smith - Horses

What do you listen to when you're at home or travelling? What are you listening to right now?
I'm listening to an album a friend gave me by an artist called Sabina. I don't know anything about her but I'm really enjoying it. When I'm away from home I feel a bit fragile so I tend to save darker music for when I'm at home.

What do you do when you're not working with the band?
At the moment I don't have another job as we've been on tour more or less the last 6 months, so when I'm home I'm mostly painting or writing music. I used to work in a guitar shop and for a promoter though.

Thank you so much for your time. Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?
We're really excited for the tour! See you soon!

terapija // 01/10/2014


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