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Grčki MEAN FLOW s pozamašnom listom suradnika na albumu "Convalescence"

Mean Flow je solo projekt Theofila Tsiolakakisa iz Soluna, Grčka.

Sve pjesme na ovom albumu napisane su i snimljene između 1. i 12. siječnja 2025. Ukupno trajanje je 00:52:23 (10 glavnih pjesama plus 1 dodatna (suradnička) pjesma, dakle ukupno 11 pjesama).
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Autor zahvaljuje sljedećim glazbenicima na njihovoj suradnji a lista je, uistinu pozamašna:
- Marco Lucchi (Modena, Italy) for my rework in his track : no 11 "[Year's End] Farewell [Naviar Haiku # 573]".
Other 261 Marco Lucchi's tracks, remixed/reworked by Mean Flow are also included in my previous albums "Viridis Achates", "Inmost Silence", "Floating Thoughts", "Blurred Imagination", "Eternal Question", "Black Veils Over Sad Tales", "Enclosed Sky", "Eternal Call", "Dark View", "Noise Elegance", "Distant View", "Obscure Details", "Greatest Failure", "This Feeling", "Marco Lucchi's 100 First Reworked Tracks", ''Darkness Versus Light'', "Subduction Zone", "Winter Tales", "Anchored Dreams", "Vauge Emotions", "Directed Public Awareness", "A Monument To The Ruined Age", "Reductio Ad Absurdum", "Tunnel Vision", "Ιnsufficient Εnergy", "Low Profile", Secret Place", "Unknown Aspects", "Endless Destination", "Timeless Experiences", ''Elegant Plan'', "Under Epidermis", "Temporary Respite", Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 2", Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 3", "Τhe Τruth Οf Εach", "Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 4", "Dead End", "Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 5", "Unequal Equality", "Suffocating Pressure", "Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 6", "Ambient Landscapes", "Liquid Material", "Social Castration", "Creative Destruction", "Forgotten Crimes", "Rights Vs Prejudices", "Marco Lucchi's Mello_w_tron Reworked", "Hollow Impressiveness", "Profit Sacrifices", "Under Destruction", "Preset Sensitivity", "Unhealed Scars", "Traceless", "Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 7", "Pointless", "Decriminalized Pleasures", "Hidden Items", "Marginalized Snapshots", "Self Destruct", "Law Of Action And Reaction", "Pensive Mood", "40 Years", "Demystification", "Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 8", "Tired", "Outside", "New Member", "Sad But True", "Demolition Of Ideals", "Soft Razors", "Guilty Silence", "Fundamental Elements", "Imagination Release", "Marco Lucchi's Reworked Tracks Volume 9", "Truth Or Dare", "Short Journey, Infinite Distance", "No Fair", "Cornucopia Of Pleasures", "Green", "Unpleasant Expectations", "Sky Limit", "Destruction Signature", "Mortgaged Life", "Life Will Never Stop Being Unfair, Very Unfair", "Crushed Life", "Haunted Figurehead", "Truth Relativism", "Abnormal Regularity" & "Attribution Of Blame".

Svu ostalu glazbu, klavijature, bilo koje vrste instrumenata, zvukovi-šumovi, zvučni efekti za ostale pjesme napravio je Mean Flow (Theofil Tsiolakakis), Solun, Grčka.

Download/ stream: meanflow.bandcamp.com/album/convalescence

1.Mean Flow - Convalescence 05:38
2.Mean Flow - Cheonyeo Gwishin (The Virgin Ghost) 03:11
3.Mean Flow - Batcave 03:30
4.Mean Flow - Space Elves 06:54
5.Mean Flow - More Medals For Dead Soldiers, More Wealth For Leaders Of Nations 04:43
6.Mean Flow - Five Rivers Of Hades 05:42
7.Mean Flow - Sadness Of Unfair Loss 05:43
8.Mean Flow - Madam Koi Koi 06:14
9.Mean Flow - Space Water 04:00
10.Mean Flow - Nightmare Enemies 03:33
11.Mean Flow & Marco Lucchi - [Year's End] Farewell [Naviar Haiku # 573] (Bonus Track) 03:15

v&p // 23/01/2025


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