home > mjuzik > Three Penitential Visions For Radio / Prisoner,

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VARIOUS ARTISTS: Three Penitential Visions For Radio / Prisoner, (The Museum Of Contemporary Art: Los Angeles,, 1986)

Muzički komad u kojem se jasno prepoznaje radiofonija. Likovno razgraničenje ili odnos umjetničkog sadržaja, zvuk i slika, Bauhaus kao jedna cjelina.

Slušajući ovo muzičko izdanje prepoznajem sličnost sa kepasaparadoks.bandcamp.com/album/mane-nema-mane. Mislim da je suština u tom poređenju, ono djeluje međusobno, harmonija je opisana u MANE - NEMA MANE, pomisao da treba da saopštim taj detalj nalazi se u njemu.
[  ]


Sva moja ljubav tradiciji hrli
Dolazim od ruševina, crkava,
Oltarâ I zaboravljenih sela
Apenina i Prealpi
Gdje su mi živjela braća.
Lutam ko luđak po Via Tuscolana,
po Appijevoj cesti kao pas bez gospodara.
Il posmatram sumrak, I jutra
Nad Rimom, nad Ciociarijom, nad svijetom,
Kao prve činove Posthistorije,
Kojima prisustvujem, zahvaljujući knjizi rođenih,
po samom rubu pokopanog
doba. Monstruozan je onaj
što iz utrobe mrtve žene se rodi.
Lutam, ja odrasli fetus,
moderniji od bilo kog moderniste,
tražeći braću koje više nema.

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Wild Beauty Live, Wild Beauty Art, Victor Vasarely Hondo, Paul Klee Astrological Fantasy Portrait, Wassily Kandinsky Contrasting Sound, Gunter Brus ActionismTheSixties, Buch, Frank O'Hara - Jasper Johns In Memory Of My Feelings, Lee Krasner Noon.
Može se dovesti u vezu sa prethodnim tekstom, sukcesivno, sljedeće koje postoji u jednom od mogućih.

Sonic Youth - NYC Ghosts & Flowers

When the phone rang, 3 in the morning
Dead middle of night
There was nothing on the line
I set back the silent receiver
Tiny flames lit in my head
Hey did any of you freaks here ever remember Lenny?
I can't remember his last name

He's turned to dust now, one of the chosen few
Left out in the rain, out of town again
Left out in the rain, ocean bound I guess

Between the mattress and a column of hazy faces
I remember every word you said
Quite a clear picture
Every word you said

The door was open but the way was not lit
And there was no way out of my head

On a crimson highway by a chrome bumper I last saw you

Inclined to thrive
Evening fireflies lit sparks around your head
But wait a minute let's back up a bit
Some famous stars were busted down on fashion avenue
Impersonating real men
Not knowing who they really were

Now here at dark corners all is calm and quiet
And good
The kids are up late dreaming quiet questions
In a graceful mood

Can you please pass me a jug of winter light?
Fold me in an ocean's whim?
In sweet corrosive fire light?
In the city made of tin?
Are you famous under the skin?
Familiar with the things you wanted?
Able now to take it all in?
Making peace with every hole in the story?

Did lightning keep you up all night?
Illuminate the soot and grit?
Can you tell how high the sky tonight?
Dig out from under in spite of it?
Can you cover up the one that floats?
Can you push back the hours?

I hear your voice
I speak your name
Among New York City ghosts and flowers

Will we meet?
To run again?
Through New York City ghosts and flowers

Side A: Three Penitential Visions For Radio (00:00)
Composer and producer: Ingram Marshall

Side B: Prisoner (28:30)
Writer: Jonathan Borofsky
Composer: Ed Tomney

ocjena albuma [1-10]: 10

edo žuđelović // 14/12/2024


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