Jučer sam s gomilom ljudi bio na jednom vrlo zanimljivom putovanju. Bili smo šest dana na dnu oceana. Kao da je vrijeme stalo. Jedini trenutak kad smo bili sami, tvoja ruka u mojoj ruci, rekla si: Pogledaj u zrak. Mjesec je dolje. Spavali smo umornih očiju, misli i duša. Prvi uzdisaji nakon kome, činili su se ko magični sati.
Yesterday I was on a very interesting trip, with the bunch of people. We were six days at the bottom of the ocean. It feels like the time stops. The only moment we were alone, with your hand in mine, you said: Look into the air. The moon is down. With tired eyes, tired minds, tired souls, we slept. First breath after a coma, seemed like magic hours.
And all that in just one hour. In KSET! With Explosions in the sky!