Kevin is the driving force behind Wiretree and their great debut Bouldin. We talked about it and the upcoming sophomore album with the man himself!
Can you describe us the beginnings of Wiretree? If we understood correctly you've been writing as a Wiretree already back in 1994? Why it too so long to release full length?
Actually, the Wiretree project started in 2005 when I released my first EP (4 songs). I started the project and called it "Wiretree" thinking I would give it room to grow or change if needed, so far everything recorded has been written and mostly performed by me. I guess 1994 is when I started writing songs, but I didn't start the project at that time.
What is the story behind the name Wiretree?
It's the idea of man-made electronics meet organic. I enjoy the sound of vocorders, various samples, mellotron, etc. but, also I enjoy the organic, natural sounds of acoustic guitars, shakers, etc. "Wire" is the electric, man-made part "tree" is the organic part.
We really like your debut album Bouldin! What are the influences behind it? In our opinion it's sounds very fresh but it's still firmly rooted in traditional music.
Thanks very much! I've always listened to British music growing up, and when Nirvana and Perl Jam were getting bigger here in America, I was tuning into Brit-pop/ Brit-rock (The La's, Travis, Blur, Oasis, Pulp, Supergrass, etc.) also, I taught myself guitar by playing the Beatles and Bob Dylan. So, I guess it's a mix of all of the above (minus the grunge)
Was it hard making it in USA? Did you have any problems finding an ear that wants to listen to your music in the overcrowded music scene today?
Somewhat. The new "do-it-yourself" idea has been taking off the past few years, so yes there's now plenty of new Indie music floating around that my music be discovered in. However, I'm very lucky these days to be able to record my music in my little home studio, do my own cd layout in photoshop/pagemaker and have it printed.. pretty unheard of some years back. I've been fortunate though, my music seems to be heard in places I've would have never expected (Spain, Brazil, Croatia) and I'm very grateful.
We've seen that you have your own website, myspace and facebook on the internet. I guess it's a must these days but what is your honest opinion on these services? Can they really help a band?
Myspace has been very helpful, especially, when It wasn't so saturated. I've actually obtained new fans through these services that I would have otherwise had no way of delivering my music to.
What is your opinion on all the release schemes going around these days? Do you think the future of music is online or that these are just clever marketing plots that work in a certain moment?
Some are just out to make money, some are in it for the music. The ones who are honestly about the music will go further. Digital is the way to go, as far as distribution goes. Someone in Japan can have my music instantly at a click of a mouse.
What's coming up in the future for "Wiretree"? If we understood correctly the second album is coming up? Is it traditionally different and how will it sound?
I do currently have 5 songs completed, I have a few more I'm about to record. Every full album from the group will be 9 songs... so we're almost there. The songs have been inspired from playing live shows in the past year, I wanted to write songs that sounded a bit more exciting and instant. So yes, there's a little more energy and less introspective element to the new album.
Finally, what do "Wiretree" read and listen to lately?
Travis' "The Man Who", ELO's "Time", Afro-pop, Men at work, the Police.. kind of a phase I guess. Just read Jared Diamond's "Collapse"
kris // 12/11/2008