Radišno magare iz močvare, Swamp Donkey ima novi album "Always An Outsider" na @grimmgoat. Čarobnjak psihodeličnih i hipnotičkih zvučnih kolaža zadire u područje ambijentalne elektronike i proizvodi ploču s iznenađujućim cerebralnim ritmovima. Download/ stream: grimmgoatrecords.bandcamp.com/album/always-an-outsider
1.Tramp The Perpetual Journey 06:10
2.The Fleeting Nature Of It 06:43
3.The Ancient Code 03:54
4.Untune The Sky 09:10
5.And Then It Was Gone 06:20
6.With Our Roots In The Ground 06:35
7.Always An Outsider 04:30
8.An Essential Sense Of Weirdness 05:34