Milijunima godina prije ovim su područjem šetali dinosaurusi, rađali se i umirali, tražeći svoje mjesto pod istarskim suncem...Pula priča i 3.000 godina staru mitološku legendu o Argonautima, a njene su ljepote uživali mnogi pripadnici drevnih civilizacija i naroda - od Rimljana, Franaka i Gota do Mletaka i Austrijanaca. - koji su na sebi svojstven način ostavili kulturni pečat i učinili Pulu danas jednim od najljepših i najkreativnijih gradova na Mediteranu.
The legends and myths about Pula reach back thousands of years. The story begins with the Agronouts, who in their search for Golden Fleece reached the headland of Istrian peninsula - the site of their new home. From then on Ilirians, Histrians, Romans, Venetian, France and Austrians all enjoyed the embrace of this friendly and graciouse town, and all left their cultural imprint. We are proud to enjoy the beauty of this town and that we can welcome you to spend some days here with us.
AVS Mars Room
Udruga smo od 10 članova koji na kreativan i svojstven način promoviraju audiovizualnu umjetnost kroz psihodeličnu trance kulturu. Godinama pokušavamo otvorenim ljudskim srcima približiti ljepotu psytrance scene da bi iskreno mogli uživati u onome što doista vide i čuju.
Promoviramo neafirmirane i mlade DJ-eve i dekoratere, pružajući im priliku da predstave svoju glazbu, platno ili instalaciju, ali i da ponešto nauče od iskusnijih predstavnika s domaće i inozemne psytrance scene.
We're an association consisting of 10 members, which, in a creative and peculiar way, promotes audiovisual art through psychedelic trance culture. For years, we've been trying to bring the beauty of the psytrance scene to those with open hearts, to help them truly be able to enjoy what they see and hear.
We promote unestablished and young DJs and decorators, offering them the opportunity to present their music, screen or installation, as well as to learn a little something from more experienced representatives of the domestic and foreign psytrance scene.
Dragi prijatelji, ljeto 2008. godine donosi još jedno izdanje festivala FUTURE NATURE 08. I zato, nećemo vam posebno opisivati što vas čeka ili što ćete propustiti, ako nam se ne pridružite. Ionako sve znate, odnosno jedva čekate da tijekom tri dana ( 25., 26. i 27. srpnja 2008. godine ) ponovno s nama doživite boje, zvukove i mirise psihodelične kulture u Puli.
Dear friends,
Summer 2008 brings us another edition of the FUTURE NATURE 08 festival. Consequently, we won't describe in details what awaits you or what you'll miss if you don't join us. You are probably familiar with everything anyways, that is, you just can't wait, during the course of the three days (July 25, 26 and 27 2008), to once again experience with us the colors, sounds and scents of the psychedelic culture in Pula.
Pozivamo kreativne pojedince i udruge koji žele biti dio 'tržnice' festivala FUTURE NATURE 08 da nam se obrate na
If you wont, you can exibit your hand made articles and other products at aur festival.
If you are interesed you may contact us at: nesopu@yahoo.com
Live act:
Zyce and Fox (TessetacT studio, Synergetic records) - Serbia
Flegma (Shivlink records, Iono rec.) - Serbia
Vertex (Shivlink records) - Serbia
Ectima (Synergetic records, Shivlink rec.) - Serbia
Pion (Ultra Groove records, Spiral Trax) - Serbia
Twisted Twins (Soundforms) - Croatia
Parrket (Tribal Vision / Pukka musica) - Croatia
Toovar (Armazonex family) - Croatia
Dj set:
Val Vashar (Ministarstvo Psihodelije) - Croatia
Alen (Marsroom) - Croatia
Nesho (Marsroom) - Croatia
Sale (Marsroom) - Croatia
Marino (Metamedia) - Croatia
Live act:
Toovar (Armazonex) - Croatia
TesseracT (Shivlink records, Beyond Logic rec.) - Serbia
Dj set:
Val Vashar (Ministarstvo Psihodelije) - Croatia
Peace Defender (Ministarstvo Psihodelije) - Croatia
Teddy-Lee (Marsroom) - Croatia
Robi (Marsroom) - Croatia
Teo (Marsroom) - Croatia
Rajko (Marsroom) - Croatia
Simplevisuals (Mars room) - Croatia
Tetadelika (Armazonex family) - Croatia
Mars room - Croatia
Armazonex family - Croatia
Nemo - Croatia
Cijena karte / Tickets:
1 dan / daily price: 70kn
2 dana / 2 days ticket price: 100kn (including free camping and parking place)
Lokacija / Location
Udaljena samo nekoliko kilometara od središta grada Pule, bivša vojarna Monumenti ovo će ljeto, kao i ostala, nadamo se, postati sjecište većine alternativnih festivala u organizaciji raznih pulskih udruga. Ostaci vojnih objekata, smještenih na samoj obali mora, udružit će snage s ljepotom prirode i kreativnošću pojedinaca, nudeći odličan provod.
The festival will be held at "Monumenti" only few kilometars from the centre of Pula. Monumenti-Katarina is an old abbandoned military complex situated on the sea shore. Numerouse alternative festivals and gatherings are going to be held there this year and it is going to become central venue for alternative happenings. Beautiful surroundings, luch nature, induvidual creativity with all contribute to a magical expirience.
Info artisti:
promo guy // 21/07/2008