Biological Lovers is a folk/pop duo from Corvallis and Portland, Oregon, USA consisting of Brian Smith on guitar, dg-10, and vocals and Hannah Sheets on keyboard and vocals. Formed as a result of their musical and romantic relationship, the two of them performed their first show together while vacationing in Minneapolis, MN after finishing a west coast tour of the United States promoting one of Brian's solo albums. The two of them are a happy couple, which makes listening to them a happy experience.
Individually, they have performed with acts such as The Dandy Warhols, Calvin Johnson & The Hivedwellers, Archeology, LAKE, Sleeping in the Aviary, Angelo Spencer, Peter Piek, Fruition, and CJ Boyd and have performed at festivals such as such as The Oregon Bach Festival; Great Idea at the Enchanted Forest; Near the Bridge in Lima, Peru; The Cherry City Music Festival; World Car Free Day; BS (MUSIC) FEST, Farewell Fest, and the Oregon State University Sustainability Festival.
Pjesme Elephant and the Moona žive u zadimljenim podrumskim barovima, gdje stari klavijaturist hrapavim glasom pjeva jazz posljednjim gostima koji još nisu utopili sve svoje brige. Sjede u borama muškarca koji sjedi u dineru kraj autoceste usred ničega i razmišlja gdje još može pobjeći od sebe. Tuguju zajedno sa ženom koja ne može zaspati jer ju bude isprekidani otkucaji slomljenog srca. Ljenčare u nervoznim drhtajima klinca koji sjedi na haubi tatinog starog auta s rukom naoko nehajno ovijenom oko djevojčinih ramena, dok se natječu tko će od njih prvi vidjeti zvijezdu padalicu u toploj ljetnoj noći.
Elephant and the Moon je Petar Vranić, rođen 1991. u Zagrebu. Stječe iskustvo u brojnim zagrebačkim bendovima, da bi se krajem 2011. odvažio sam stati pod svjetla pozornice, svirajući tugaljive rokenrol pjesme na granici između americane i mamurnog kajanja, Balkan via Nashville. Bend je trenutno u procesu proširenja postave i snimanja EPa pod nazivom "Thank your lucky stars".
promo guy // 24/04/2013